about our founder

after creating countless beauty products for other brands and living a busy LA lifestyle, brand founder Ariane Noji was disheartened to see how much waste the beauty industry produces. she felt a strong, personal responsibility to adopt a more sustainable lifestyle and decided to move to the mountains to become more connected with nature & live more mindfully. she started planning out how she could contribute to the beauty industry in a positive way - combining her two passions of self care and planet care. with so much of the world facing water scarcity & climate injustices, her desire was to create a brand that has minimal impact on the environment, promote water equity & foster positive self image in the face of extreme consumerism. from there, the idea of contemplation was born.

contemplation is a conscious brand that supports nourishing ourselves without depleting the earth’s resources. we're making personal care products with a smaller eco footprint and bigger social impact, so that we can take care of our planet and people together.